Monday, August 20, 2007

Preparing for the Journey East

Well, our journey east (well, at least it's east to us) to Scotland begins in a week and a half and I've been busy rechecking our reservations and ordering companion books for David and myself. I must have searched through at least 50 books about Scotland or written about a Scot to find the four we'll bring with us to Scotland. I travel with books about a place I'm visiting because it opens the place up to me in a way I wouldn't expect. In this case, I'm bringing three books, and my husband just one. Usually it's the other way around, as he often overpacks on the book front. I just couldn't decide on one alone. So I've three: The Hunt for Rob Roy; The Road North; and The Big Grey Man of Ben Macdhui. Dave has decided his one book will be The Man Who Saw the Future: William Paterson's Vision of Free Trade...which fits with Dave's preoccupation for books of the economic historical ilk. I'm always excited to begin a new book, and the prospect of it aiding me in considering the Scots in a new way is magical. But more on these books later. Right now, I have to pack. We're going to try and only bring carryons...we'll see how that turns out...Oh, and I'd like to thank Mark at for his permission to use his stunning photo of Glen Coe as my fronticepiece for this travel blog.


Cheryl T-D said...
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Cheryl T-D said...


May your trip be peacful and everything you wish it to be.

I look forward to reading your blog about it - (daily, I hope!)

I love you and so does the rest of your family back here in Texas....

God Bless you and have a safe trip,

Love ya bunches,

David&Monica said...

Hope y'all have a great trip. We are just back from Scotland. Caught up with family and friends and had a couple of days in Edinburgh.

Do you have an itinerary of where you are going?

I used to go to Stornaway on Lewis as a kid for vacation, I really enjoyed it. Harris has some of the most spectacular beaches. The hebrideas will certainly give you a unique Scottish experience. Mull is also a great island to visit... check out the Mishnish pub in Tobermory. It can be a bit bleak if the weather is not good, but it that just adds to the experience.

It sounds like you are spending most of your time on the west coast, but if plan to get anywhere near Aberdeen, let me know.

David & Monica

Unknown said...

Can't wait for the photos.